About H&D Fitzgerald Ltd.
H&D Fitzgerald Ltd. was established in 1988 and is the world’s leading supplier of calibration services for density measurement.
The company produces liquid density standards, calibrates a wide range of hydrometers and density meters, and produces density gradient column floats, and an automated density gradient column filler.
H&D Fitzgerald Ltd. are at the forefront of innovative techniques for the measurement of many aspects of density.
We are frequently consulted by government and industrial organisations throughout the world seeking ways to improve their services and measurement techniques. Representatives of H&D Fitzgerald Ltd. also either chair or sit on panels run by a number of government advisory bodies and independent international standards organisations concerned with density measurement across a wide range of applications.
Our laboratories, situated in North Wales, are embedded in solid rock several meters under a hillside. This is to ensure optimum metrological conditions, and to minimise vibration and other external factors.
H&D Fitzgerald Ltd. design and develop specialist apparatus and solutions, either for in-house use or with a specific market requirement in mind. Equipment developed in this way includes the automated density gradient column filler and the Alcofloat spirit testing device.
We hold accreditations and certifications from a number of internationally recognised organisations, thus enabling our clients to have complete confidence in the range of testing, inspection, calibration and certification services which we undertake.