Liquid Density Standards

What is a density standard?

Liquid Density Standards

We produce liquid density standards which are calibrated under our ISO 17025 accreditation. These are supplied in sealed glass ampoules which hold around 10ml, and come complete with their calibration certificates. These liquid density standards are linked to recognised national standards of mass, pressure and temperature, and provide an effective route to traceable calibration for all types of laboratory density meter.

We produce a range of standards to meet the requirements of a wide variety of industries and applications. We supply Safety Data Sheets (SDS) data on this website for each type of liquid used and we also provide guidance notes on how to use liquid density standards.

The calibration certificate supplied with each ampoule shows the densities determined by hydrostatic weighing for that particular batch of liquid. Some liquids are only calibrated at 20°C, others over a wide range of temperatures. We only supply liquids which have passed through the hydrostatic weighing system, thus ensuring that the standards are of the highest quality.

    Our Range of Standards

    The following liquid density standards are normally available from stock – see ordering information for more details.

    LiquidNominal Density at 20°C (kg/m³)Temperature Range (°C)Uncertainty (kg/m³)
    2,2,4 trimethylpentane69215-25±0.010
    Lube ~8 mPa·s @40°C82610-50±0.010
    Lube ~32 mPa·s @40°C86710-50±0.005
    Lube ~100 mPa·s @40°C87815-50±0.010
    Lube ~460 mPa·s @40°C89810-50±0.010
    Ethanol in water ~40% ABV94820±0.020
    Ethanol in water ~9% ABV98620±0.025
    Certified Water99810-50±0.010
    Dextrose in water ~10% w/w103720±0.020
    Sodium Bromide in water ~27%126115-25±0.020

    For an example certificate please click here.